Christian Crafts
Welcome to my Christian crafts section here at Here you'll find easy, inexpensive Christian crafts for kids.
Prayer Reminder Pockets
Arts and Craft Supply list:
two paper plates
hole punch
7 inch lengths of yarn
Small pieces of colored paper or index cards(6 or 7/child)
Cut one of the paper plates in half and staple it to the whole paper plate. Print at the bottom of each half "I will pray". Give each child 6 or 7 small pieces of colored paper or index cards. Help the child to print on each card the name of someone they can pray for. Decorate the prayer reminder pocket and place the cards in the pocket. Punch a hole in the top of each pocket and thread a length of yarn through the hole. Find somewhere to hang the prayer reminder pocket.
--Christian Crafts--
Mustard Seed Necklace (Matthew 17:20)
Supplies needed:
Large size wiggly eye
small piece of construction paper
mustard seed (found in grocery stores)
thin cord or ribbon
white glue
Have an adult remove the back of a plastic wiggly eye so that you can use the clear plastic front. Trace around the eye on the construction paper and cut the tiny circle out. Put glue around the edge of the circle. Carefully set the mustard seed in the middle of the circle. Glue on the clear plastic from the wiggle eye over the circle. Let the glue dry. Cut a 2 foot length of gold cord. Glue the two ends of the cord to the back of the circle to make a hanger.
--Christian Crafts--
'Look What God has Made' Ziplock book bag
Craft Supplies needed:
Variety of nature items(leaves, flowers, pinecones, etc.)
Hole puncher
ribbon or yarn
construction paper or stiff paper
Go on a nature walk with your child and collect a variety of nature items. Put what you find in this ziplock book bag. Punch holes equidistance from the edges on each bag above the zipper part. Use whatever ribbon or yarn you like to thread through the holes to bind the book. To make the pages of the book stiffer, fit a piece of construction paper or stiff paper into each bag and glue your items onto the paper.
--Christian Crafts--
Consider the lilies(Luke 12:27&28)
Craft Supplies Needed:
white paper
green pipe cleaners
stapler or tape
Make a lily by tracing a handprint onto white paper. Cut out the handprint and roll the fingers around a pencil, then tape the sides of the hand together(with the curled fingers facing out). Twist two pipe cleaners together to make a stem and attach with a stapler or tape.
--Christian Crafts--
NEW! Be Like Jesus
Supplies Needed:
very stiff cardboard, approximately 8 inches x 6 inches, painted white
small mirror approx. 5 inches x 3 inches
craft glue
plastic jewellery beads
stickers (optional)
black marker
Punch two holes in the top of the cardboard with a pen to place and tie your string for the handle. Glue on the mirror, centering it onto the middle of the cardboard. Decorate the string with plastic beads. Thread each end of the string through one of the holes and secure it with a knot. Print the words "Be Like Jesus" above the mirror with a black marker. Print your child's name(or have them do it) beneath the mirror with the marker. Add stickers if you like for decoration.
--Christian Crafts--
Bible Story Craft Ideas
Relating children's craft activities to bible truths helps a child to understand the relationship or connection between what he/she is doing and what the bible says. With the below craft ideas, tell your child the bible story before completing the craft. Talk about the story while your child works on the craft activity. These craft ideas are for preschool aged children.
Old Testament story Crafts
Path Through the Sea
David Helps His Family
Samuel Obeys God
Deborah Obeys God
New testament Story Crafts
Jesus Feeds Five Thousand
Jesus Stops the Storm
Woman At the Well
The Poor Woman's Gift
Easter Story Crafts
Easter Garden
Jesus Lives Today
The Road to Emmaus
Creation themed crafts
Christian Christmas Crafts:
"The Jesse Tree"-a family advent activity
Christian Colouring Pages
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