Woman at the Well
John 4:3-42(Woman at the Well)
Tell your child the bible story before starting the craft.
Point to Make:Jesus knows all about me and loves me.
Learning the Idea:In this bible story, a woman went to a well to get water. A well is a deep hole in the ground. People dip buckets into a well to get water. Let's use water to make some good smelling paint.
Craft:Scratch-and-Sniff Paintings
Supplies Needed:
unsweetened drink mix packages(such as Kool-Aid)
shallow bowls
plastic spoons
Help your child cut open and pour drink mixes into small bowls. Add 1 Tbsp of water to each mix. Stir water and mix. Have your child paint pictures and allow to dry. When the paint is dry, your child can scratch and sniff her picture.
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